

Biomarkers for TB can be instrumental in discriminating active and latent TB infection, monitoring of treatment efficacy, prediction of disease progression, but also in evaluation of vaccine induced immunity. In our team, host biomarker identification is performed for secreted molecules using a.o. Luminex, at the transcriptomic level using RNAseq and at cellular levels using spectral flow cytometry. Host biomarker validation is performed with multiple technologies, including lateral flow assays and fluidigm PCR technologies.

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​Since leprosy is a spectral disease, we investigate the distinct mechanisms and associated biomarkers of different types of leprosy as well as M. leprae infection stages leading to disease or protection. This includes the highly inflammatory phases (i.e. leprosy reactions) that have features in common with other, non-communicable chronic (autoimmune) diseases. For over a decade, we have invested in follow-up and sampling of patients, their contacts and healthy controls from leprosy endemic areas. Identification of prospective biomarkers based on several thousands of samples, allows early diagnosis aiding prevention of permanent disabilities.

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Other infectious diseases (oa COVID, Malaria)

Biomarker platforms as developed for mycobacterial disease are based on generic immunological markers and thereby also highly applicable to other infectious diseases. Several of our platforms (Luminex, RNAseq, fluidigm, MLPA) have been successfully applied to infections with other pathogens, including Malaria, Ebola and COVID-19. Dx POC tests for COVID developed.